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We Hear About Daycare Workers Abusing Kids, But This Perpetrator Is Way Smaller

Most parents drop their kids off at daycare so they can go about their work days without having to worry if their children are being cared for

All things considered, it's not uncommon to turn on your daily neighborhood news and hear a report about a childcare or watching being closed down because of records of mishandle and disregard. Staff individuals are required to pass certain state and neighborhood clearances keeping in mind the end goal to work with kids, despite the fact that it's not unordinary for an awful seed to escape everyone's notice

In any case, as one Montana family is discovering, it's not quite recently the childcare staff that guardians ought to be worried about. Now and then the other kids can be similarly as unsafe

Tracy Blinov and her husband had been dropping their daughter Eliana off at Busy Hands Daycare for quite some time and had never had an issue

But one evening, the couple received a phone call from the daycare informing them that Eliana had been bitten by another child 

Based on their conversation with staff members, Blinov and her husband were under the impression that the incident was a single isolated bite. After arriving at the daycare to pick up their daughter, however, they quickly discovered that Eliana had nearly 10 visible bite marks on her face and body

After seeing their daughter’s condition, Eliana’s parents asked the staff to see the surveillance footage from that time. The footage revealed that their daughter had been bitten by the other child for well over a minute before staffers came to her rescue

Blinov and her husband have yet to make a decision on whether or not they will press charges but have mentioned that after a visit with their family doctor, Eliana was put on antibiotics due to her injuries

Local police are still investigating the daycare and are getting child protective services involved

Kids will be kids, but do you think the staff at Busy Hands should have been more aware of what was happening? Share this post with all your parent friends and let us know your thoughts in the comments

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